The heart of a girl craves adventure.
Located on 700 wooded acres, Camp Duncan offers the freedom of living and learning outdoors. Girls build their own living shelters, cut wood, cook meals two days a week, care for equipment, maintain trails, plan trips and have fun! Group games, fishing, swimming, and crafts fill their weeks. Paddling 250 miles down a river, camping, and backpacking are all part of the camp adventure.
By removing distractions such as social media, technology and television, girls are able to focus on learning life skills, discovering their own voice, how to solve problems, and how to relate with the world and people around them.

Focused on the healing and restoration of families.
Families are an essential part of a girl experiencing success at Camp Duncan. From arrival at Camp through follow-up visits after a camper leaves, family workers provide support, education, and insight on family issues. They also serve as a means to monitor family progress and keep parents and custodians informed about their child. Family sessions, parent group meetings and quarterly review conferences monitor progress and highlight achievements.
Every six weeks, campers return to their homes for a long weekend. Working on family relationships is an important part of the program. When all are together in the spirit of supporting and working on goals, great progress is made toward families being reunited.


Camp is an accredited, non-public school licensed by the state of North Carolina.
In one calendar year, girls typically advance two academic years. Trips to historical and cultural sites, skits, writing for the camp newspaper, drafting plans for a new shelter and building it, enjoying natural science, and preparing meals - all make learning enjoyable.
The primary goal of Camp is to foster a happy, well-adjusted girl who is confident enough to want to learn. Campers learn personal worth and discipline through goal-oriented programs. Campers develop effective behavior patterns and deeper values.
The entire camp meets twice a week for a small, informal service in our outdoor chapel. Campers and their Chiefs are responsible for planning these services.


A loving team supports transformational change.
Residential wilderness camping uses a team approach to help girls grow socially, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Everyone on the team helps create a nurturing atmosphere essential for healthy group living.
As authentic, adult role models, Chiefs wear many hats - from counselor to teacher to friend. Chiefs become deeply involved in the girls lives, daring to love unconditionally, building relationships and challenging them to grow and succeed. Solid values and strong standards are the backdrop of a Chief's life.
Structured small groups living in the outdoors are the heart of Camp Duncan. The group's success depends on each camper. As group identity grows, girls begin to develop loyalty and group cohesiveness. Daily routines are purposefully relaxed allowing time to deal with behavior problems. Because solving problems is key to a camper's progress, each girl is led to freely and responsibly express himself in discovering positive solutions.